The 1 May 2022 is the centenary of the founding of Scammell Lorries Limited – prior to this the trading Company was G Scammell & Nephew.
To commemorate the founding of Scammell Lorries Limited and the move from Fashion Street in Spitalfields, London, to Tolpits Lane, Watford. The Scammell Register is holding a celebration of Scammell products. Thanks to Watford Council, they have the use of The King George V Playing Fields for a Scammell gathering over the 1 May weekend. The playing fields are in Tolpits Lane, between the site of the original and latter Scammell factory’s. They intend to celebrate all things Scammell; the lorries and all associated Scammell products.
As well as the gathering on the playing fields, which will be open to the public Sunday 1 May (10am – 4pm), there will be a road run leaving the playing fields at 4.30pm. Thanks to the efforts of Mr. John Fadelle – a former design engineer at Scammell and the author of ‘Scammell Lorries Limited; an insider’s history of the company and its products, they have the road route used by Scammell to road test the vehicles.
The route is approximately 25 miles long and is an interesting and varied drive. This is a one day event, but exhibitors can arrive from noon on Saturday 30 April and must vacate the field by noon on Monday 2 May.
This is a one off free event to celebrate the Scammell legacy. It would be really great to have as many Scammells and Scammell products as possible back in Tolpits Lane, Watford – to celebrate the 100th Birthday of Scammell Lorries Limited. Please keep the weekend free to bring your family and your Scammells along for a really great get-together.
After an enforced period of not being able to get to rallies and road runs, this is a great chance to get back out there and fly the Scammell flag.
All Scammell products are welcome; anything with a direct link to Scammell, trailers, fire pumps, anything produced in Tolpits Lane or Scammells produced at the Guy factory etc. . For more details and to download an entry form please visit the Scammell Register web-site www.scammellregister.co.uk or contact Parry Davis 01948 880870, Brian Carter 07711 177229 or Nick Steggel info@scammellregister.co.uk.
Anyone wishing to attend should check our websitewww.scammellregister.co.uk or our Facebook page for up to date details. The Scammell Register reserves the right to alter details of this event should circumstances necessitate this